Wednesday, September 02, 2009

FDA USDA Letter to the Smart Choices Program

Advising the Smart Choice program that the agencies will be scrutinizing their front-of-the-pack nutrition label, the August 19 letter noted that consumer research indicates people are less likely to check the Nutrition Facts label on the back or side panel of foods with front-of-pack labeling. Therefore, “it is essential that both the criteria and symbols used in front of package and shelf-labeling systems help consumers make healthy food choices.”

These labels and symbols have proliferated in recent years. FDA and USDA noted that they will, “monitor and evaluate the products as they appear and their effect on consumers' food choices and perceptions.FDA and FSIS would be concerned if any FOP labeling systems used criteria that were not stringent enough to protect consumers against misleading claims; were inconsistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans; or had the effect of encouraging consumers to choose highly processed foods and refined grains instead of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.”