Tuesday, August 26, 2008

National Food Safety Education Month

The free training materials for the upcoming National Food Safety Education Month are now available in Spanish and English. These materials are designed around the 2008 theme, “Take Action to Prevent an Allergic Reaction,” (Tome Medidas para Prevenir las Reacciones Alérgicas) and help operators reinforce the importance of reducing the incidence of food allergy reactions in the establishment by focusing on five weekly themes:

  • Know the Common Food Allergens (Conozca las sustancias alergénicas más comunes)
  • Communication with the Customer (Cómo comunicarse con los clientes)
  • Avoiding Cross-Contact (Cómo evitar el contacto cruzado)
  • When Mistakes Happen (Cuando ocurren errores)
  • Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction (Los síntomas de las reacciones alérgicas) “

Full Press Release: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20080825005715/en